AR   .  EN
February 15th, 2025
Maamari Street, Hamra
Beirut, Lebanon
Phone: +961 21 749 344‬
            +961 71 233 374   

For all inquiries, please contact:
Ramzi Haidar +961 3 233 374     
Dar al Mussawir +961 71 233 374
Dar Al Mussawir
Beirut Image Festival- 2022twitterfacebook
Under the Patronage of the Minister of Culture, H.E. Judge Mohammad Wissam al-Mortada, The Image Festival Association - Zakira is or Read more..
"Soura wa Hikaya 2" in video twitterfacebook
In 2016, Zakira and Dar al Mussawir successfully collaborated with UNICEF in producing “Soura wa Hikaya" (A Picture and Story) projec Read more..
Soura wa Hikayatwitterfacebook
Zakira- the Image Festival Association and in partnership with UNICEF has launched its new project “Soura wa Hikaya”, which is Ara Read more..
Lahza 2twitterfacebook
Lahza 2 project in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF. Five hundred cameras will be given to five hundre Read more..
Em Aziz; 37 Years by Ranin Yousseftwitterfacebook
A video by Ranin Youssef from Soura Wa Hikaya- In Video a project by Zakira-The Image Festival Association (2018-2019)
Lahza 2 twitterfacebook
In Lahza 2, Zakira distributed 500 cameras to 500 Syrian children aged between 7 and 12 years old, in a similar project to Lahza 1 and taught them the basics of photography. This project provided troubled children with the opportunity to record, document and talk about their lives through images, to express their feelings an artistic and a recreational way and get them out in the open as a way to help them recuperate from the trauma they have experienced. An exhibition was held and a book was published in December 2014. Over 60 tented settlements were visited and over 100 field trips were done between September 2013 and august 2014.
"Soura wa Hikaya" documentary twitterfacebook
A film documenting the experience of some of the participants that took part in Soura wa Hikaya, a joint project between Zakira and UNICEF Lebanon that provided Photography, Writing and reporting and Social Media training to over 60 participants from Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian and Iraqi nationalities. The training allowed them to report professional photo stories from their local environment. For more about the project:
Studio Zakiratwitterfacebook
“Studio Zakira” is a sustainable project for young Palestinian and Lebanese who participated in Zakira’s previous photography and video projects since its foundation in 2007 (Lahza, After Lahza , Rou’a , In Video, Soura Wa Hikaya…)

The studio was fully equipped by Zakira with the most advanced photography, video, lightening and printing equipment. “Studio Zakira” provides all kinds of photography and video services including printing services to the residents of Ain El Helwe Camp, Al Miye w Miye and Saida city.
All revenues of the studio go to the participating youth.

“Studio Zakira” is a commitment to the previous projects, an innovative experience that aims at providing employment opportunities to the young participants in addition to creating a sustainable communication platform for the interested audience and for hosting future artistic and cultural events. This project is in cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beirut
In Video: Syria - Bekaa – Beiruttwitterfacebook
Early marriage video story by by Shahed Kheito and May Al Jundi

Part of "In Video" project: short video stories by Syrian and Lebanese youth living in Bekaa.
A project by Zakira - the Image Festival Association, in cooperation with The Peace Building in Lebanon project at UNDP, Lebanon and funded by the Lebanon Recovery Fund- Germany that supported Syrian-Lebanese social cohesion through video production by providing thirty Syrian and Lebanese youth living in West Bekaa with video and editing training.
In Video: Syria - Bekaa – Beiruttwitterfacebook
Street rap music artist Nasser.Din.Al Toffar in a documentary by Mohamad Al Jundi

Part of "In Video" project: short video stories by Syrian and Lebanese youth living in Bekaa.
A project by Zakira - the Image Festival Association, in cooperation with The Peace Building in Lebanon project at UNDP, Lebanon and funded by the Lebanon Recovery Fund- Germany that supported Syrian-Lebanese social cohesion through video production by providing thirty Syrian and Lebanese youth living in West Bekaa with video and editing training.
One minute stories from "Lahza 2"twitterfacebook
Lahza 2 is in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF.

Five hundred cameras to five hundred children in the informal settlements of Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
Al Jazeera - "WITNESS Shooting Hope" After Lahza twitterfacebook
Documentary by Al Jazeera about After Lahza project. Four interviews with two Palestinian and two Lebanese trainees.
Lahza on CNNtwitterfacebook
Lahza 2, a project by "Zakira" in cooperation with UNICEF to train Syrian refugees children in Lebanon on showing all the aspects of their lives through the photos taken in their settlements.
Lahza on MBCtwitterfacebook
Lahza, Zakira's first project featured on MBC.
Beirut Image Festival 2022 – “Memory”twitterfacebook
Beirut Image Festival 2022 is organized under the theme “Memory”. Photo entries are accepted under this theme. Photographers are invited to contribute with their photographic interpretation of the term, whether a direct historical or archival object, a personal experience or a collective memory-related concept. The Festival is open to all photographers: creativity, originality, and content are the criteria on which the applications will be evaluated and selected. All photography-based works are accepted.
Available at:
Dar al Mussawir
Beirut Image Festival 2019twitterfacebook
Beirut Image Festival was launched in 2019 as an initiative by Zakir – the Image Festival Association in partnership with Dar al-Mussawir and The Arab Union of Photographers. Over the period of 5 weeks (September 3rd to October 11th) Festival exhibited in 25 locations in indoor and outdoor exhibitions in Beirut and the major Lebanese cities (Tripoli, Saida, Sour, Baalbeck). Outdoor exhibitions were setup in open spaces in the Beirut seaside (Ain Mraiseh) and in Beirut Souks. In its first cycle, the festival received photographic submissions from 678 photographers from 36 nationalities and submitted 3884 photos (individual entries and photo stories). An artistic committee selected 600 photographs from 122 photographers from 25 nationalities.
Available at:
Dar al Mussawir
In partnership with the Arab Foundation for Arts and Culture (AFAC), 40 female prisoners were provided photography training over a one-year period in the Barbar Khazen prison in Beirut. An exhibit of their photos was held at Dar al-Mussawir. Project aims at providing the public with a glimpse of the life inside the jail, as well as providing the prisoners with a space of recreation, self-expression, and a profession that they can take with them when they leave the prison.
Available at:
Dar al Mussawir
In Video: Syria - Bekaa – Beirut DVDtwitterfacebook
Short videos by Syrian and Lebanese youth living in Bekaa.
Available at:
Dar Al Mussawir
Lahza 2 Documentary twitterfacebook
Five hundred cameras were in the hands of five hundred displaced children from Syria living in Lebanon. This is life as they see it.
Available at:
Dar Al Mussawir
Lahza 2 Booktwitterfacebook
Lahza 2 Book
Five hundred cameras were in the hands of five hundred displaced children from Syria living in Lebanon. This is life as they see it.
Available at:
Dar al Mussawir
Stateless twitterfacebook
In partnership with UNHCR, this project provided photography training to youth who are not considered nationals by any state and do not have any legal identification documents. The project aimed at reflecting their daily struggles and the challenges they face on many levels in their daily lives. An exhibition was held at the end of the project and a photo book was published that tells stories from the stateless world.
Available at:
Dar al Mussawir
Lahza 2 twitterfacebook
In Lahza 2, Zakira distributed 500 cameras to 500 Syrian children aged between 7 and 12 years old, in a similar project to Lahza 1 and taught them the basics of photography. This project provided troubled children with the opportunity to record, document and talk about their lives through images, to express their feelings an artistic and a recreational way and get them out in the open as a way to help them recuperate from the trauma they have experienced. An exhibition was held and a book was published in December 2014. Over 60 tented settlements were visited and over 100 field trips were done between September 2013 and august 2014.
AFTER LAHZAtwitterfacebook
A booklet showing work of participants from the "After Lahza" project. 250 trainees from the Lebanese and Palestinian Youth in five workshops in Beirut, Saida, Tyr, tripoli and Baalbeck.
Five hundred disposable cameras were distributed to 500 Palestinian children aged between 5 and 12 years old living in Palestinian camps and informal gatherings in Lebanon. The children’s work was published in a book and an exhibition that toured in Lebanon, Greece, Italy, Germany, and USA was held. The goal of this project was to give them a voice through the pictures they took and provide outsiders with an innocent look at life within these camps.
 Developed By Ghina BarbirDesigned By Firas Al Hajj